Imperial Eye

where your eye is king!

Certified Sunglasses

There are million of sunglasses available in Ghana, at the turn of every street corner, you will meet a vendor ready to trade a spectacle which has been labelled "sunglasses". Though good for business, a lot of the so called sunglasses on sale are not what they are supposed to be nor function in the way that is optically efficient.

A good sunglasses is supposed to have a certification number that shows how much ultra violet (UV) light that it can absorb. It must have good reflective ability and must be able to absorb all other harmful rays from the sun and the environment.

As stated early, a careful check on most of the sunglasses sold on the market fail to have all these qualities. That is why Imperial Eye deals directly with world-renowned sunglasses manufacturers who have taken their products through laid down ophthalmic examinations and testing.

Imperial Eye stocks all kinds of designer certified sunglasses just for you.


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